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SEO Services

New ways to growth.

Shahsa provides the most accurate and fastest SEO methods for all businesses

Website SEO Analysis

Website SEO Analysis

Identify the strengths and weaknesses to reach the top ranks and take the necessary actions.

Creating SEO Strategy

Creating SEO Strategy

Making a coherent plan for you to know the path and steps ahead to get a high rank

SEO Consulting

SEO Consulting

Assessing and identifying the target users for your workspace and developing appropriate plans

SEO Mentoring

SEO Mentoring

We are with you step by step so that you can do the SEO of your site in a principled and correct way.

Still have a question? Send a message or Make a call.

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Website SEO Services


Executing SEO services is a methodical process that, when implemented correctly, boosts a website's ranking and visibility in search results. Enhancing the ranking of site pages in search results not only gains trust from users more quickly but also contributes to business growth and ultimately leads to increased sales.

Search Engine Optimize

Turn increased traffic into revenue •

Straightforward explanation of SEO

What is the meaning of SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, However, is this the accurate definition of SEO? This will be clarified in the following explanation.

What is SEO?

SEO is the practice of optimizing website pages to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What is SEO in simple terms?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to the activities conducted both on and off a website to improve the ranking of its pages in user search results.

What is SEO and how is it applied?

SEO prioritizes user experience. One of its key applications is to deliver better, faster, more relevant, and accurate information to users.

In other words, it can be said that all businesses and professions require SEO for their websites to appear in user search results and attract customers.

• We don't claim to be the best, but we demonstrate our excellence through performance and results.

Shahsa Digital Marketing Agency - SEO Service

Today, many individuals and companies offer SEO website improvement services. However, as you may be aware, a high percentage of these projects end in failure, resulting in loss of capital and time for business owners.

This trend has led to a decline in trust towards companies and individuals operating in the SEO field. Shahsa Digital Marketing Agency, with years of experience in SEO and optimization, has successfully completed over 150 projects. With over 10,000 keywords ranking on the first page of Google, we understand the needs of business owners and aim to accelerate the sales process and enhance profitability.

What are the steps involved in SEO for a website?

We're 14x Faster


SEO is an ongoing process that requires regular attention. To succeed in search results, we engage in activities that improve user engagement with the website. Before initiating SEO services for a website, we conduct a thorough analysis of its industry and competitors to develop the best strategy for the site.

Steps >
Meeting With the business Owner

Website Analysis

Examining the competitive field

Keyword strategy and research

Implementation time and content map

Starting activity and implementing ideas

Content creation

Traffic and rank monitoring

Modifying and improving upcoming programs

Reporting, monitoring and correction

Still have a question? Be in touch Send a message or Make a call

Website SEO service problems

... After several months, we still have not received any specific results.

Implementing SEO services for a website is a highly specialized task, and it's crucial to research and carefully consider the history and credentials of any company or freelancers before outsourcing this work.

When it comes to Shahsa SEO services, we are talking about expertise and skill. Our SEO team is well-versed in SEO guidelines, principles of search engine optimization, and has the right vision and mindset to identify the needs of target users and drive the site towards profitability.

… I don't know if Internet users have the same mentality as me!?

Many business owners are familiar with their physical customers due to direct contact at their place of business. However, they may not know how users search on the internet or what terms they use to find content. Additionally, they may be unsure if their target users like the content and design of their website, among other unanswered questions.

This is where the expertise of a good SEO consultant comes in. A skilled consultant can identify target users through thorough investigation and research into the field of activity. They can also advise on what content to produce and what actions to take to attract these users to the website.

SEO consulting is one of the services offered by Shahsa Digital Marketing Agency to business owners who have a website but are unfamiliar with their target users.

... I am not completely familiar with the principles of SEO and site optimization.

The mistake most business owners make is that they think they are familiar with the principles and rules of SEO and site optimization. This idea may be to save money or for any other reason. These people are not aware that with a simple mistake, the fate of the site may change and even the entire infrastructure of the site may be destroyed.

Reading the comprehensive SEO training article and then participating in a comprehensive SEO course and zero to hundred, which must be project-oriented, can help you a lot in learning and implementing the correct principles of SEO on the site.

5 Star Customer • Support

More details ?

What are SEO services?

Basic implementation of SEO services optimizes pages for users and search engines. Normally, users go to Google search engine to get services or buy products and choose the site they want from the first three or four links of Google results. For this reason, the best way to interact with users and increase the click rate is to optimize the site pages for Google search engine bots. If you are looking to grow your business, branding along with the correct principles of SEO is very effective in increasing the page rank of the site.
Today, many companies seek to implement SEO and site optimization in order to expand sales or provide various services. It is obvious that getting points in Google and high ranking in search results is introduced as the safest communication bridge to interact with users.
Also, SEO and optimization of sites is in the category of low-cost advertising with high durability, which will be very targeted compared to other advertising.

List of SEO services

The most important goal of SEO and site optimization is to attract users, create traffic and increase the click rate of pages, which only SEO specialists can increase the sales and services of companies in the best way by applying knowledge, skills and creativity.
In general, SEO services consist of several different parts:

• Site SEO consulting
• Mentoring
• Website optimization strategy
• Check the type of SEO of the site

Determining different business goals is one of the effective factors in SEO and site optimization. First, the goals are thoroughly reviewed by SEO experts;
Then, if your business is limited to a specific position and location or if your services are provided within a certain period of time, the main structure of site optimization and SEO will be determined and will be on the right track. In general, SEO specialists check the site in terms of robots and different Google algorithms.
Also, continuous activity in optimizing pages is one of the most important factors in improving site performance.

Different parts of Shahsa SEO site services

Basically, professional SEO services consist of several different stages of keyword research, internal SEO, external SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO, each of which requires specific expertise and planning. Keep in mind that all these steps together will increase the site's ranking and Google's rating.

Keyword research

Keyword research means researching keywords appropriate to the website's activity field, which is one of the most important and effective factors in optimization and SEO.
To put it better, keyword research will be carried out in order to find useful and repeated phrases searched by users. The purpose of keyword research is to use keywords in the text and content of different website pages.

On page SEO

Internal SEO refers to actions that are carried out by SEO experts in the internal structure of the site so that SEO and optimization are done in the best possible way. Basically, internal SEO alone has the ability to improve the ranking of site pages.
For this reason, it is very important to do internal SEO correctly. Internal SEO services consist of elements such as updating title tags, meta description and header tags.
Also, the use of sitemap and basic infrastructure is very important in internal SEO. Among the other effective factors in the internal SEO services of the site, we can mention the optimization of images and the speed and type of site design.

Off page SEO

The set of functions that are performed outside the site by SEO specialists and have a direct impact on increasing the ranking of the website is called external SEO. Usually, link building on other sites is one of the most important parts of external SEO.
Meanwhile, there are other factors that help improve external SEO and ultimately lead to an increase in the site's ranking in Google search results.
One of the most important techniques in external SEO services of the site is the use of site content on other pages of advertising websites or the use of content sharing.
Also, publishing reports as guest posts and marketing comments is very effective in increasing the site's ranking.

Technical SEO

Basically, according to Google, the technical part of the site is very important in the process of SEO and optimization. For this reason, technical SEO is called a set of technical measures that help Google robots understand the topic and content of the site pages. In the following, we will fully examine the various technical SEO services.

Local SEO

One of the most important parts of professional website SEO services is to increase the site's ability to be presented in searches suitable for specific situations.
This means that local SEO deals with website optimization to advertise and promote business in a specific geographical area.
Local SEO has a direct impact on Google search results and helps businesses attract a significant amount of local customers.
If you use the local SEO guidelines correctly, the website will be displayed in the Google search results exactly in your desired geographic location.

Reasons for using Shahsa's SEO and site optimization services

As mentioned, all people today use search engines to meet their needs and receive services and get their desired results in a fraction of a second. The first step to appear in Google search results is to index the pages.
But keep in mind that only indexing of content will not attract users and get points from Google. By optimizing all parts of the site, you can interact with many users and experience very high sales
